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Land or Multifamily For Sale
9-Acre Development Site
1325 Foothill Drive SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105
- Category Land or Multifamily
- Type For Sale
- Sale Price $1,575,129.60 ($4.00/SF)
- Lot Size ±9 Acres
- Zoning A-1/R-1, Bernalillo County
Multi-Family Details
- Multi-Family Type Land
- Ideal location for single-family development
- Fully-fenced
- Excellent visibility and accessibility on a well-traveled commuter route
- Strong residential presence surrounding the site
- Rapid residential and commercial development in the surrounding area
- Easy access to I-40, Central Ave. and Rio Bravo Blvd.
- A-1/R-1 zoning allows for low-density residential development, bed and breakfast establishments, and agricultural activities
Listing Advisors
Retail, Land & Industrial
Melody Torres
- Direct505.988.5736
- Office505.878.0001
- Mobile505.280.2839
Retail, Land & Industrial
Alexis Lovato
- Office505.878.0001
- Direct505.338.4106
- Mobile505.639.6433