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Office or Retail For Sale
Church/Institutional Building
4800 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
- Category Office or Retail
- Type For Sale
- Sale Price $1,599,000.00
- Available Space ±18,700 SF
- Lot Size ±1.21 Acres
- Zoning IDO: MX-M
- Re-use or re-purpose for retail or office uses
- Large main sanctuary/open area
- Multiple classrooms and smaller meeting/open areas
- Located on the signalized intersection of Lomas Blvd. and Monroe St. NE
- 67 striped parking spaces
- Existing monument sign
- Opportunity for prominent building façade signage
- Full access from Lomas Blvd. and Monroe St.
Listing Advisors
Land & Industrial
Riley McKee, CCIM, SIOR
- Direct505.998.1656
- Office505.878.0001
- Mobile505.379.1549
Land & Industrial
Jim Wible, CCIM
- Direct505.998.1578
- Office505.878.0001
- Mobile505.400.6857
Retail, Land & Industrial & Investment Properties
Keith Meyer, CCIM
- Office505.878.0001
- Mobile505.715.3228