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Land or Retail For Sale
Retail Land Near Central & Coors
5940 Central Avenue SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105
- Category Land or Retail
- Type For Sale
- Sale Price $405,761.40 ($13.50/SF)
- Lot Size ±0.69 Acres
- Zoning IDO: MX-M
- A prime development opportunity
- Drive-thru permissive
- Located in a growing trade area
- High visibility to 29,000 cars per day
- Easy access from Central Ave.
- Surrounded by dense retail & residential
- Fully-fenced property
- Utilities at the lot line
- Owner financing available
- Flexible financing options
- Flexible zoning allowing for most commercial uses
Listing Advisors
Retail, Land & Industrial
Melody Torres
- Direct505.988.5736
- Office505.878.0001
- Mobile505.280.2839
Retail, Land & Industrial
Alexis Lovato
- Office505.878.0001
- Direct505.338.4106
- Mobile505.639.6433