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Land For Sale
Rio Rancho Infill Site with High-Density Zoning
NWQ Unser Blvd & 5th St SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124
- Category Land
- Type For Sale
- Sale Price $6.50/SF
- Lot Size ±13.42 Acres
- Zoning SU-R-3, City of Rio Rancho
- Allowable densities up to 35 DU/Acre and heights up to 50’
- 1/2 mile from Walmart Supercenter at Southern and Unser Blvds.
- Site ready for development
- Elevation allows dramatic views of the Sandia mountains
- Rio Rancho is underserved in apartments by between 2,000 and 4,000 units
- Average household income is $89,292 within a 5-mile radius of the site
- Average home value is $325,000 within 5-miles, thus driving apartment demand
- 2 miles north of Presbyterian Rust Medical Center
- Wet utilities on 19th St.
Listing Advisors
Land & Industrial
Jim Wible, CCIM
- Direct505.998.1578
- Office505.878.0001
- Mobile505.400.6857
Retail, Land & Industrial & Investment Properties
Keith Meyer, CCIM, SIOR
- Office505.878.0001
- Mobile505.715.3228